Afgelopen zaterdag hield bierbrouwer Ramses Snoeij van Ramsesbier een opendag waarop zijn 2 nieuwe lentebieren werden gepresenteerd: "Gouden Adelaar" en "Bloedzuiger".
Single hop, Simcoe
Deze Amerikaanse hop geeft het bier een aardse toets met citrus tonen
en passie vrucht. Een deel van de hop is tijdens het bottelen
toegevoegd waardoor het bier extra fris en fleurig is.
Mexican Lager
Mais en agave siroop zorgen voor een bijzondere balans. De frisse
citrus en dennen tonen van de hop en het lage alcohol percentage maken
dit een ideaal zomerbier.
Con Corazón
Met het kopen van dit bier levert u een bijdrage aan de realisatie van
Hotel con Corazón Mexico. Een hotel dat 100% van haar winst investeert
in lokale onderwijsprojecten.
3,8 %
Ook zijn recentelijk nieuwe bieren "Zonder Baard" "Koele Kikker" en "Naar de Haaien" stonden op de tap om te proeven.
Meer informatie en vooral waar je zijn bieren kunt proeven vind je op:
Short description in English: At this Open Brewery Day brewer Ramses presented his two new Spring beers: "Golden Eagle" and "Leech". Also his recently introduced beer "Without Beard" was available to taste. More about Ramsesbier can fe found here.
During the night I was woken by my bed moving. I was still sleepy and wasn't sure what was happening. The shaking movement was followed by a lot of screaming and crying. It took me a few minutes to realize what was happening. An earthquake was striking and it was a strong one because when I tried to out of bed I had difficulty getting up. The room was dark, very dark and I couldn't find my light or telephone. I had forgotten forgot where I put them before I went to bed not thinking that in Nepal these earthquakes can happen suddenly, including at night. I was in a strange hotel room. Where was the light switch? I searched in the dark while the movements continued with people screaming and crying louder and louder. I heard some people screaming to me: " go outside, this is earthquake, please go fast ".
I thought about the situation. I was in a concrete building with multiple floors. Would this be strong enough...or perhaps not. I had seen lots of these concrete buildings destroyed by the earlier 6.7 and 6.4 earthquake. Would this one be so strong that the building could collapse? I went to the doorway and wanted to run out but the door was locked from inside. Damn where was this lock,in the top or bottom? I found it and wanted to run outside but I realized something was missing from my feet and grabbed my flip flops. Then I decided quickly to grab my computer, telephone and wallet. I walked to the stairs and went down. I realized that the shaking had stopped. Would it be over now? Or would it return again and perhaps even stronger? Should I quickly take more of my positions like my camera, which I call "my baby" to many people? But what if I went back and the earthquake came back even stronger. I had again a long way to go to get outside of this building. I decided to keep moving to the outside of the building. On my way there were more people moving out. From some faces you could read that they were terrified, especially the women. Most of the men were asking me if I realized that this was an earthquake, making jokes to me and laughing. Probably they were as afraid as the women and children but they were too macho to show this to others.
When I got outside there were about 200 people who had come out all of all the houses and little apartments. Most of them were talking about what happened. Most wanted to go back to sleep but others said that it was not safe to return to the building. After 30 minutes the situation calmed down and people started going back inside. They told me to go sleep again but my mind was quite confused and I could still feel a lot of adrenaline in my body. Lying back in bed I was thinking that if there was a next time I should find a safe place more quickly. Still there was a lot of sound around me in the building and the street. I rehearsed what to do if they earthquake came back. Slowly the sound faded and this also calmed me down and I fell asleep again, luckily not to wake up from another earthquake.
Herbert en Ivy hielden hun Surinaams-Nederlandse bruiloft op de boerderij van Herberts ouders - Foto: Pim Horvers
door Jenny Velthuys 8 jul 2015
Ivy is impulsief, temperamentvol, zelfstandig en zorgzaam. Herbert is wat planmatiger.
Een vriend van Herbert nodigde hem vijftien jaar geleden eens uit voor een personeelsfeest van de Haagse Hogeschool. Daar was Ivy ook. Herbert vond Ivy meteen heel spontaan. En ze had mooie ogen. Dus toen hij haar de volgende keer zag, op het verjaardagsfeestje van diezelfde vriend, volgde de eerste kus.
Ivy groeide op in Suriname, waar haar vader een transportbedrijf had en haar moeder verpleegkundige was. Herbert groeide op in Almkerk. Zijn moeder was assistente van een kaakchirurg, zijn vader is salesmanager bij Supertape Packaging. Ze lijken niet erg op elkaar. Ivy is impulsief, temperamentvol, zelfstandig en zorgzaam. Herbert is wat planmatiger. Samen hebben ze twee kinderen.
Grappig detail: toen ze na een relatie van vijf jaar gingen samenwonen, ontmoetten het broertje van Herbert en het zusje van Ivy elkaar. Die zijn inmiddels ook met elkaar getrouwd.
Herbert vroeg Ivy ten huwelijk toen ze voor haar werk als hr-manager Europe bij Hitachi Transport System, een logistieke dienstverlener, in Tokio was. Herbert, voor zijn baan als commercieel directeur bij Supertape ook veel in het buitenland, reisde haar achterna. Hun Surinaams-Nederlandse bruiloft op 13 juni was in de monumentale boerderij van Herberts ouders.
Elsevier nummer 28, 11 juli 2015
From today our Foundation website and Facebook page is officially launched. This week we received the bank account number for the foundation so we could finally start.
You can support us in different ways. Please read the Project pages to see more details.
On behalf of the people of Nepal: Thank you for your support!
Donations can be send to:
Your donation allows us to support the people of Nepal.
You can choose which projects to support and donate to.
Bank account : NL20 INGB 0006 9530 08
Stichting Micro-Care Nepal
See more about the foundation on our website here:
Finally got to talk with my friends and family in Nepal and luckily they are safe.
My closest family lives in a little bamboo cottage whats a quit safe place. Last night more then 30 people slept at their little house and even in their chicken run. Tonight more then 40 will arrive.
My close friend was at school, run outside as the hole building collapsed. The few computers they had were destroyed. Just seen photos of people walking with tears in their eyes while seeing the old historical buildings being completely destroyed.
All shops are closed. There is no electricity what means in most cases there is also no water..
I heard that the greenhouse we recently build as most of my fb followers probably have seen, is almost completely destroyed by the house that is next to it. It collapsed and fell on top of it so the bamboo, plastics and the plants are destroyed.
I was just one the phone with friends in Kathmandu and they told me there was another earthquake around force 6.0 one hours ago. While being on the line my friend told me there was a new earthquake coming at this time and after that the connection was gone. So now again waiting to hear if they are safe and what was the result of another after shake....
Because photos speak even more:
Op 18 en 19 april organiseert Stichting Kunst Loon op Zand(KLOZ) tijdens de Nacht van Loon een expositie voor Loonse professionals.
Deze expositie wordt gehouden in de grote zaal van de Wetering, te Loon op Zand.
De opening van deze tentoonstelling wordt gehouden op 18 april om 15.00 uur.
18 april van 15.00 tot 21.00 uur
19 april van 11.00 tot 16.00 uur
De voorlopige lijst van deelnemende kunstenaars ziet er als volgt uit:
Anke Dielemans, Jeanne Klijn-de Beer, Joop Hendriks, Ans van Hoorn(allen met schilderijen), Pim Horvers (fotografie), Rien Schildkamp(lampenvoeten), Mai Ver Eecke(encaustiek), Jan van Strien(beelden), Pim Staps(tekeningen), Stef Mennens(fotografie), Lia Koenen(keramiek).
De Wetering
Weteringplein 1
5175 BZ Loon op Zand
Yesterday evening I visited Ranipokhari at sunset. I was lucky because the operator let me inside the gates to photograph the evening show.
Ranipokhari. Al that visited Kathmandu will recognize this beautiful sight. The pond was constructed by the then Malla King, Pratap Malla, in 1727 BS in the memory of his queen. Especially after November 2014 they installed a water, light and music show that will preform every evening at sunset. According to some writings, the fountain costs about 35 million roepies whats about 300.000 euro. For this country this is quit a extreme expence. Nepal is among the poorest and least developed countries in the world, with about one-quarter of its population living below the poverty line.
At this time the SAARC Summit would take place and also main investor in Nepal, India, would visit Kathmandu. Several actions had been taken before the SAARC Summit. Beside this watershow the streets in hole Kathmandu were also cleaned. Compared to western standards the streets are still not clean but you have to understand that the difference is very big.
This watershow almost make you feel like you are not in Nepal. Last time I have seen something similar was in the amusement park, the Efteling, in the Netherlands. The music that is played with the water fountains and light show is "My Heart Will Go On", Theme from the famous movie "Titanic".
Last week I was searching for boxing schools in Kathmandu. I wanted to photograph and document the way sports are being practiced here in Kathmandu. I was lucky enough to find more then hundred Karate students on their way to their blackbelt exam at the Dasharath Rangasala Stadium.
Below my impressions of their amazing performances.
Dairy Nepal
Need to get into the writing more but feel like I want to do too many things... Anyway yesterday was again an interesting day. So enough reason to write things down as a memory while things fade with time.
It feels good to be for a longer time in Kathmandu. Things sometimes just happen when you have more time at a certain place. It is a very good experience to be here on my own and try to get a sort of daily pattern that gives me a good feeling and is what I am searching for. That could be a goal by itself, but there is so many more.
Yesterday afternoon I met Rohit, my friend a guide for most of the times in Nepal. He was just back from a trip with customers going to Chitwan. Now he also had diarrhea and felt like shit. So probably we don't leave tomorrow to Solu Khumbu area but I also like to celebrate New Year here in Kathmandu. I also still feel weak so no mountain biking for me today. Would be too frustrating because I read the itinerary and it is quite hard climb you the morning before getting tho a graduate smooth descent back to Kathmandu valley.
While having a masala dosa at Duth Sager and Rohit just a cup of tea because of his stomach, he told me there was New Year festival for the Gurung people. The festival known as Tamu Loshar. I went there after lunch and spend the whole evening up to the end of the festival around 23:30. There was a lot of singing and dancing. Also the traditional competition where the male on one side and the female on the other side, are battling with their lyrics. Of course and unfortunately I could not understand it. People invited me to dance and where very friendly. Nice to experience and just lucky to end up there. I might have been the only foreigner. On the way back I met on the streets with the winner of the festival. I guess she is quit famous here while everybody was shouting here name. I will include some photos.
In between time and now at breakfast I am working on editing the video I shot of the Paleo workshop. Before leaving to a Dubai. There is a lot of footage and need to make selections for just a 2 to 3 minute video. The work have to be done anyway so nod bad to combine it here with some photography and cultural site seeing.
Today's will explore another part of the city. Take a rest at the balcony before deciding where to be and celebrate at the midnight.
01-01-2015 until 05-01-2015
No writing
Trail-Run Shivapuri National Park
To get to the run there was a bus pickup close to Thamel. I got up early to peeper myself and have a little breakfast with the muesli I brought from at home. I met other runners on the street, also waiting for the bus. The bus arrived and brought us to starting point at the bottom of the Shivapuri mountain. Here all runners got the number and latest information. Richard Bull is the organizer from this race and it was the 2de time it got organized. Around 7:30 the countdown for the race started and we took off. P
4:22 27 km
Trip to Necha
In the bus
We left early as most of the bus rides in Nepal. I was very tired because the night I went to sleep late. I was sleeping most bits of the morning. This was the best part of the road to Okeldunga. Build by the Japanese and recently finished. J
Long day walking with the children. I carried Rosani a few times and also the bag of the sister of Shoba. Nice views on the valleys. Sleeping at a family place where Rohit his grandmother was staying. She was ill so we visited her as soon as we arrived.
Day one in Necha with relaxing at the family house. Eating Dal Bhat in the morning. They were having fun about the way I was eating with my hand. They have such a quick and nice way of eating with there hands that it is difficult to do it in the same way. Washing closes with fun from the wives. Rohit gone. Mother of rohit making plates from leaves.
In the afternoon going up to market place and it started raining. So we took a cup of tea. When it stopes raining we walked up to Shoba her mother and brother. Arriving at sunset. Made a little fire in the kitchen where we sat down. We ate Dal Bhat and afterwards called with Kanchi to see if all was fine at the house in Kathmandu. We went to sleep. I had one bed and Rogit Shoba and Rosani shared the other bed.
Day two with funeral ceremony down at the river. About 100 people joined. Then walking all the way up again to market place. Eating at a friends place and sleeping with uncle at his house.
Day three
Getting up was heard because of all the raksi. Had tea and then went to big kaki her house. We sat in the lovely morning sun for a while. At the next house there they just finished a ceremony to remember the parent passing about years ago. There was a priest inside and the sun shaved his head but leaving just a little hear left at the back of the head. Had Dal Bhat and sat down a bit more. Rosani was playing around. Sometimes playing with other children or running after the mother chicken with her young.
Rohit told me about more cultural aspects. The tikka of Shoba is on tr top of her head and also she has a big green necklace with gold in the middle. Both show she is a married woman. Sometimes they even have a big tikka in their hair. Not in the middle but just a bit outside the middle of the forehead.
At the beginning of the afternoon we walked to market place. There was a gathering of political people. It didn't looked like there was a lot of serious talking.
We left and walked further to the hospital were we should meet somebody to talk about ideas to get more Trekkers or tourist that are interested in local Nepali culture, to the village Necha. We talked a bit and then went to Shoba at Rohit his house. She went ahead to start cleaning the house because there hasn't been anyone for 3 years. We joined after the meeting. The house was full of dust, sand from the mud where the plaster the walls and floors with. We started upstairs and the went downstairs. We protected our face with cloth and cleaned with pieces of dried grass tight together. It worked quit well. Because there was no light in the house we used my headlight and lights from the phone.
The family at the behind the house were taking the oranges from the trees. They challenged me by asking if I could help out by climbing in the tree to take the oranges out.
Day 4 Necha
Morning go to house of friends. I got invite red to eat a rice flower pancake that was really delicious. It was made in ghee so quit fat.
We went to the market to buy a black cloth for Shoba for the semenisyic ceremony.
Trekking day 1
Necha to to river side village
Beautiful trail traversing the mountain. Rohit telling about moving to Kathmandu and starting work as a porter, wood worker and working for trekking agencies.
Finally defending to the riverside were we had lunch.
Sleeping with big family. Watching a Nepali movie.
Trekking day 2: Riverside village ??? to family in Diktel
We left early without breakfast at the family house. Just had a cup of tea. We followed the river went left and followed another big riverbed until the trail climbed up on a ridge. We followed the ridge until we saw the flags of the beginning of the village.
We got a lift from a ambulance jeep.
Trekking day 3: Diktel to Rabhuwa
Rabhuwa to Necha
Necha: resting day
Last day in Necha
Last week I visited a school in the Necha village. They invited me to talk about educational subjects
Trail Run
I got up early to take a taxi from my friends place in Kapan. The evening before we arranged the taxi to bring me to the starting point of the Jamacho Jungle run in Nagarjun National Park. I was well on time and felt quit good. This would be my 2de official trail-run and again in beautiful Nepal. I read about it following the Nepal Trail Run website and Facebook. The subscription could take place at 7 while the run started at 7. My last run at Shivapuri National Park went well but was quit a disaster because I still had a virus. During the run I had to vomit a lot, had diarrhea a few times and my IT band problem was a gain making it a painful run.
Because of the IT band problem that mainly occurred while defending, I decided to start quit fast and try to follow the Nepalis up on the climb to the top were the Jamacho Gumba was. All
In Hundu culture today is a special day. It's the day of worshiping the goddes Saraswati. She is the beloved goddes of knowledge, education, music and arts. In the house of my friend the family prepared some offerings around a little statue of the goddes. School books were put below the little formed altar. At this special day children that had they age to start at school could go there and subscribe to join the next day for classes. The southern of my friend also joined school at this day. We went to a private school quit close to their house. There were some activities and the children could meet their teacher. The teacher made some drawings with the daughter of my friend. We visited the offering place at the school and got a tikka and some biscuit.
In the afternoon we went to Thamel to meet the owner of the Asian Heritage company. I owed him some money for renting the apartment and using his guide for 4 days in Solu Khumbu area during the trip to Halesi. Also took a good caffe latte at the restaurant Gaia.
In the afternoon, on the way back, we went to Chabahil market close to the bus stand to search for a plastic store. We found one soon and measured how big piece of plastic we needed. Also we bought 2 big pieces of rope to fix the plastics on the rooftop.
Changing the plastics for a bigger piece from 30x45 feet. There was quit some wind so it was very difficult to put the plastics around the greenhouse. We found out that now the plastics was about 6 meters longer. So we decided to buy net bamboo next morning and make the greenhouse a few meters larger. We cleared the ground with grown spinach that was ready to eat and plowed the ground.
In the morning we searched for bamboo in the lower market area in Kapan. We found it for a good price, 10 pieces for 2000 roepies what's about 20 euro. Because this place was about 15 minutes walk from home we had to arrange some transport for the bamboo. At the same time we were buying the bamboo there was a customer with a bicycle with chart to transport things. We hired him for the transport for 250 roepies.
After bringing the bamboo home we started to build the extension for the greenhouse. We used the same structure. In between time I decided to increase the level of some parts at the side of the greenhouse to make it more flat and stable. I used sand from other parts that also needed to be flattened out. The entrance to the garden was a little step down. The steps were not structured and leveled. I decided to get rid of the old steps, make it a little shorter but used stones to make it more stable. Later we could make it more strong by putting a mixture with mud and cow pie on top of it.
After finishing the bigger part with bamboo we put the plastic over the structure. There was a strong wind that sometimes took the plastic. Unfortunately there were some sharp parts left were the plastic got cut on 3 places. We would fix it later. Now we needed to fix the plastic very tight to the ground. There were holes on the sides of the plastic were we put pieces of bamboo in. On the other side the plastic was a little to big so we raped it inside out and put stones and mud on it to keep it at place.
Finishing the greenhouse and making the tables on each side.
Last week I got invited for a Necha Teacher Development Meeting. All the teachers of a Necha were present and they together with the students they preformed speeches and dances with traditional folk music. While being there and seeing that almost none critical subject involved with education or development were involved I got motivated to talk about some subjects. I asked if I could give a speech and there could be a translator for me. They didnt mind so I started writing a speech and chose one subject to highlight. Of course it should be a respectful speech to the hole community and the education program they were developing. But during my stay in Necha in April and now in Januari I realized that the plastic garbage increased very quickly. As I spoke about this subject I realized that most of the people didn't understood the importance or the effect that after years this plastic could waste their water quality. Most people are thinking it is just about the environmental look that tourist don't like plastic in the nature. But they don't understand if plastic as small parts gets into their water system it can make a lot of people and also their animals sick. I challenged myself because I am quit a shy person. But there was something in me that was forcing me to do this. My believe and also the fact that I now realized that if people wouldn't understand or disapprove I wouldn't care about it. I just wanted to share my thoughts no matter what. While talking sentence for sentence, being translated by the chairmen of the Himalayan Foundation.
I changed the speech a little bit but this is my draft for it:
Excuse me for not being able to speak in you languish.
Thank you very much for being here with all of you. It is great to see so many people have been working on these displays for the the education of so many people.
As a westerner of course I have some differences with all of you. I am glad that the world is different. That is also why I visit for example Necha.
During the days a stayed in Necha I have been learning a lot about organic food, farming, and how to make a beautiful house with everything that nature and the land provides. I feel very privileged that so many habitants from Necha have been sharing al this with me.
Because of this I want to give and share back. or me there is 1 though that I would like to share with you.
I found that this beautiful village has got more and more plastics in the environment, compared to my last visit. I want to explain to you what happens with this plastic. After years it will evaporate, diminish into microscopic parts. These parts will stay in the ground and finally water will pick these parts up. The water we drink in this village is not filtered. It is very hard to filter these parts from the water. For that reason I would like to ask you to please be careful with putting these plastics in the environment. ease teach the children about this. Let's collect the plastics at every house and later at a central place. We all are responsible of keeping this earth as good and clean as possible.
Thank you for your time and again for visiting this beautiful village Necha!
Danjebat! "
Luckily people were very respectful afterwards and told me they liked it. I could feel that some of them couldn't deal with the critics of it but still they very polite. Some told me it is good I shared it with them and they would do as much as they can to make changes for the future. I got about 15 prayer scarfs as a gift and they thanked me way to many times. I hope only a little percentage of it will stick to their minds and I realize that things are different here and change also just takes time.
Kathmandu Valley Shivapuri Trail-Run
After having diarrhea for about a week I didn't felt very strong. But with a good dinner and breakfast in the stomach I started very hopeful. There was pa pick-up bus close to tamel to drive to the north part of Kathmandu. Here hè Shivapuri National Park started. The trail would crime al the wat up to the Shivapuri mountain (2732 meter). Close to the startingpoint you could collectie your nummer and leave your backpack.
A little further were the gate to the National Park was all the runners feathered for the takeoff. The countdown was given and I started my first official trail run. we took off. The trail started going up steep on stairways. I was quit close to the front of all the people and tried to find my own pace.
Running wasn't possible on the steep steps. The Nepalis took off really fast. I had to let go some of them but found one nepali and 2 western competitions who almost had the same pass and stayed close to them. My hard rate went up quit fast but I realized that I wasn't out of breath at all. After a minute or 10 everyone around me started to slow down a bit.
My legs started to response from the steep start as well so I just kept pace. We climbed steeply on to the ridge what would lead to the top. On the way I felt my breakfast coming up and a bit later I started vomiting in a few separate bits. I hoped it would fade and kept going.
When I arrived on the ridge there was an exit to take for 27 km and one to leave for 17 km. a little further I felt my stomach getting mixed up and with a lot of pressure. A quick stop and again diarrhea. I recovered and for a long time I could walk quit fast.
The trail now got from stairs to a beautiful small trail going gently up the ridge to the top. I run on with a guy from France that looked very professional but tried to not get distracted about it. I aspected to find a check point at he top with some drinks and energy food but didn't found a place like this. So decided to go down and keep some speed following a young Nepali guy.
e told me he also joined a trail run for the first time. But to my opinion he didn't walked like this. Especially down the Nepalis are very fast and hard to follow. After descending for about one hour I was very happy to find a food and drink place, because I was running out of energy.
There was energy drink, Mars and some cake what day advised me to eat. I tasted it and it was almost pure sugar. I still wasn't feeling well and this sugar kick made me feel even worse. At the check point I was really surprised. They told me I was the 3de not Nepali in the race for 27 km.
I started running again with a mouth full of this cake. While running I decided to better not finish it and to spit it out because all I drunk and eat was already coming up.
The decent went on over a jeep trail and there were some places with shortcuts on a smaller trail. With again some vomiting I tried to get my pace again but felt really weak. Halfway the decent a Italian female runner came aside and for half an hour I was capable to keep following her. I had to give in because my returning injury, a runners knee, came up really bad. Later another not Nepali runner would chase me in.
The last hour I couldn't run anymore and just walk down as fast as I could. Is was a nice jeep trail surrounded by forest and fields. After 4 hours and 22 minutes I came across the finish. Still a great time and 5 place of the not Nepalis. Even with the difficulties I was really glad to have done this trail run in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Dubai // Day 1
As always leaving on a trip, my dad dropped me at Schiphol airport.
We were lucky with the traffic because one week earlier my sister to pick up her husband from the airport and it took them nearly 4 hours instead of 1 and a half hour.
The flight to Kiev was on time. From Kiev I would fly, after a stop from 2 and a half hours, to Dubai international airport. On the flight we had a great sunset with a brights colored sky.
On the plane from Kiev to Dubai I I first slept for an hour but then started talking to the person next to me. She came from Kiev and just the day before she decided to take a job in Dubai. We talked about the opportunities for people from countries with low income to work in Dubai. She was quit sad to leave her mother and boyfriend alone not knowing when to be able to return.
At some point we started discussing the conflict with Russia. At first she had a very diplomatic point of view of the war but at some point she told me she fled very sad about the people being victims of the war. A few months ago she gave her apartment away to people that had to leave the conflict zone to a safer place. They came to Kiev where they needed a place to stay. So that's were she decided to have her apartment available for a family. To my opinion a very socially flexible and human thing to do. But I am wondering if we in the Netherlands would do the same so easily.. Find our selfs sometimes so spoiled and self centered. Of course it is easier to realize how you would react if poverty or war are so much more close to you.
The plane landed on time and I was very pleased to see my backpack arriving. It was checked in and at Kiev I asked to make sure it would be automatically send threw after the stop in Kiev.
The airport was very modern but not as spectacular as I aspected. I remember last time I was at Delhi and Bombay in India I was amazed by the gigantic and luxurious airport there.
At the airport I found a shop to buy a local SIM card. It costed only 15 euro and only a passport was needed to get it. All signs at the airport where clear so it was also very easy to find the Metro station. It wasn't opened yet because I arrived at 3:00 at night. I was at 4:30 at the entrance and the station would open at 5:00 so I only had to wait 30 minutes. Enough time to install my new Dubai SIM card. It also had a data bundle so it was easy to navigate from here.
After finding out the metro map, the right direction and the right train, I arrived 15 minutes later in the street where my hotel was. It got light when entering the metro so erasure most parts where above ground I could have a nice first sight at Dubai. This part was the old and lower part. Further from my hotel the modern and impressive skyscraper parts would start. You could see them on the horizon.
The hotel was as luxurious as I aspected. The lobby was amazingly lit with golden glittering a as you would aspect. As there are in Dubai mainly two choices. Or you chose a really cheap hotel with a club underneath and because of the noise not many sleep, or you can chose a modern hotel with a very high standard for European prices.
It was not possible yet to get my room. Not vary strange if you arrive around 06:00 in the morning at your hotel. You could store my luggage at the hotel. In a locked room and I got a ticket so quit safe. This gave me the opportunity to go into old town in the direction of the Creek (river) area. I visited the Dubai fort and Museum, The Heritage Village, Dubai old Souk (market) areas and Hindi lane, a Indian market street with there one and only little Hindu Temple. All in Bur Dubai part of the city.
During the afternoon I came back to the hotel and got my room. Also the room was great, especially because I got a free upgrade to a deluxe room. I asked for a good view on the skyscrapers, and I got it on the 15th floor. I unpacked and a shower was no luxury the log trip and warm first day in Dubai. I was really tired so fell asleep for an hour had something to eat and got to sleep again until 10:00 next day.
Dubai // Day 2
The second day I planned to visit the other older area of Dubai, Deira. You can find this area on the other side of the Creek. I first walked to the same area I was in yesterday and took some videos at the place were the Abras (old wooden taxi boats) picked up mostly locals to get across the Creek. After some time I also found one to get to the other side, for about 22 cent per person. In Deira I visited the Spice Souk (market) and the Gold Souk. To my opinion a lot of hasslers with fake watches and other stuff and for the rest a lot of greedy people. The parts of this area I liked the most were the streets with local shops and food places. At one of them that had quit a lot of customers I decided to take a plate of Biriani. This includes rice with vegetables, meet (I think is was from a goat) and a spicy and a coconut side dish. It was delicious food and some people from Pakistan and one from Bairoet to have conversations with. Like in Nepal and India the came to serve you more of all of it. Including a Chai (tea) it costed only 11 DHR what's at this time about 2,40 euro.
After lunch I visited the Fish and talked to the guys working there. They all came from Pakistan, just a few from other places. I went on to the Fruit Market. I have never seen so many different Dates so so many different places. I bought a Mango and some bananas and paid the same amount as the meal just costed. But the mango I found out later that evening, was beautiful.
On the way back I stayed for a while at the Deira Creek side, watched the Agras coming and taking off. Talked to a guy from Kerala, India. He was pleased to hear I loved his part of India with the tea fields in Munar and the Wayanad National Park. A little bit further all the bigger but old wooden boats were waiting to get loaded. I spoke with the guy hanging out on the boats. They seemed to all come from Iran. Unfortunately they didn't spoke much English so our conversation was a little basic.
A bit further I asked an owner of one of these old wooden transport boats if I could get on the frontside of his boat to take some photos and he didn't minded. . From the high boat I had a great view on the Creek are with sunset.
After sunset I decided to return to the hotel and eat something at one of the local places on the way back. I stopped in Bur Dubai at a Indian restaurant. Like on of the places that are really basic but can have beautiful food for almost nothing. Indeed was like that. I had a nice Masala Dosa. In India many times they don't serve Dosa what is a lunch dish, during the evening. But here it is 27/7 so no problem anywhere, anytime. When I walked in the restaurant also an other tourist walked in. I sat down at the same table with a guy from Eastern Europe living and working in China. As many people he just stopped by for one day. Always nice to share travel stories. After dinner I went back to the hotel for a shower, some reading for tomorrow and afterwards a good sleep.
Dubai // Day 3
After two day in the old town parts I decided to see the modern Dubai.
First I went to see the World Trade Center, further checked out if there was anything going on on the horse racing course and then walked to the Emirates Towers. The views on the enormous skyscrapers are amazing
Second I went by metro to see the highest building of the world, Burj Khalifa and the biggest mall of the world, Dubai Mall. Both were mind blowing. I decided not to go to the 124th floor of the Burj Khalifa but just see it from the outside and continue to the Dubai Mall. If you enter it is already amazing but then you still don't realize how big this really is. You can walk around from hall to hall with shops just everywhere. Hen you come to the food court. Hundreds of people eating at all kind of food places. I ordered something that cost me double the price from the restaurant yesterday and it were just 4 little pieces of thin bread with some curry inside.
I went further and came across the enormous aquarium. All kind of fish and corals. Not as great as the corals can be but a shopping mall.
I went back to the metro to continue to Dubai Marina. The sunset just started so I would have Dubai Marina at it's best lighting. A few stops further with the metro and the most recently build area, in the last 5 years, an enormous skyscraper area with surreal architecture. Can't explain how unreal this all looked. Stopped on a bridge to takes photos and video and met a guy there who also was taking photos with his tripod. He was from Beiroet but as so many was working in Dubai, as a constructing engineer. Always great to talk about photography and compare each other's images. I continued along the walking track around Dubai Marina and from any point spectacular views.
Dubai // Day 4
At 8 sat at breakfast and at 9 I took the taxi to Jumeirah Mosque and got a lecture there about the Muslim religion. Very interesting to get to know more about the real Muslim religion and not being inter faired with all extremists on this planet. She made a few jokes about it to explain the things you read in the newspaper have nothing to do with the real religion.
After the very interesting visit to the first Mosque of his day I took a taxi to the Al Ghubeiba Bus Station in Bur Dubai.
As most taxi rides, cheap. 10 minutes and paid about 3 euro.
From the bus station in Dubai there are several busses to take to Abu Dhabi, just ask around at the station. It takes about two hours and at some points you have great landscape views and it is crazy driving on the five lane Sheikh Zayed Road with everywhere you can look, big Skyscrapers.
At Abu Dhabi Bus Station ask around again and the bus will take you for 4 DHR in about 15 minutes to the Sheikh Zayed Mosque. The Mosque was bigger then I aspected and even more beautiful at sunset. I took the audio guided tour and got to know about the influences on the architecture by the Islam and the Koran. For instance there is a lot of calligraphy on the walls and ceilings that comes from the calligraphy in a certain chapter of the Koran. Like in every Mosque you have time times of prayer on a digital board. Big chandeliers with crystals and carpets in matching colors. Mozaiek on walls and floors with flowers. To much to tell. Go and see. You have to dress properly, like long pants and shirt but like if you don't want to walk with these cloths all day you can get a Hijab, Burqua, Khimar or Abaya (Muslim dresses for women) or a Thobe (for men) for your visiting time for free. Before entering very most you have to take your shoes of.
I stayed till after sunset and found a viewpoint on a stairway that could bring you to the other side of the freeway. Probably called a pedestrian bridge or transfer. From there I photographed a took videos of the sunset behind the Mosque. Below his tower I found the bus stand that could brig me back to the central bus station. So again no taxi messes art. Busses every 10 or 15 minutes. At main bus station Abu Dhabi I bought a ticket and my bus was leaving already after 10 minutes. In the bus had a talk with a American that worked in Afghanistan as a teacher at the American University in Kabul. He was searching for a job in Dubai and surroundings because he explained Afghanistan was getting to dangerous. Two of his colleagues got killed by Taliban ruin into a restaurant en shooting everybody inside with machine guns. Later they explained this restaurant was selling alcohol, what is official illegal there. Strange world..
I got out of the bus and took the metro further to have another Masala Dosa, for 1,80 euro. Double pleasure.
Today I found okra in the supermarket. I will keep the seeds and plant them at home because I was already searching so long for the seeds of the okra plant.
At the beginning of the evening I had some fun with 2 Dutch tourists and again met some nice Nepalis at the fire at the restaurant Gaia in Thamel. Drunk a nice warm Gluh Whine at the fire. Afterwards brought my laundry to my room, went back to the party places and joined the "dancing". Lot's of craziness on the streets. Many Nepalis seem to do break dancing in the middle of the street.. So competitive but also so good. Nepalis drink really quickly which is why they get so violent when drunk. They go from sober to drunk very quickly and become very unpredictable. So by the time is was 01:00 it was not to call a very nice atmosfeer and I went to bed.
No hungover the day after because I only had two beers.
Had a great bouldering session there. Later I joined dinner with a group and we had a beer at a nice bar in Thamel.
Unfortunately I still have a little diarrhea so decided not to go ant eat any spices today.
in 2 day I will be joining a Ultra Trail Run north from Kathmandu. In the Shivapuri National Park they made several run distances and decided to try the 27 km run. Never run this distance Still don't feel very strong but going for it, will be fine I hope. Anyway it will be a great race. Some Dutch told me about it. Yesterday I met the organizer at the climbing gym here in Kathmandu.
I bought some candles to light up the apartment because there are only these white neon lights. And especially it is very dark when there is no power but only the generator. Only two little lights are working then. So will be much nicer with some candle light.
Need to get into the writing more but feel like I want to do too many things... Anyway yesterday was again an interesting day. So enough reason to write things down as a memory while things fade with time.
It feels good to be for a longer time in Kathmandu. Things sometimes just happen when you have more time at a certain place. It is a very good experience to be here on my own and try to get a sort of daily pattern that gives me a good feeling and is what I am searching for. That could be a goal by itself, but there is so many more.
Yesterday afternoon I met Rohit, my friend a guide for most of the times in Nepal. He was just back from a trip with customers going to Chitwan. Now he also had diarrhea and felt like shit. So probably we don't leave tomorrow to Solu Khumbu area but I also like to celebrate New Year here in Kathmandu. I also still feel weak so no mountain biking for me today. Would be too frustrating because I read the itinerary and it is quite hard climb you the morning before getting tho a graduate smooth descent back to Kathmandu valley.
While having a masala dosa at Duth Sager and Rohit just a cup of tea because of his stomach, he told me there was New Year festival for the Gurung people. The festival known as Tamu Loshar. I went there after lunch and spend the whole evening up to the end of the festival around 23:30. There was a lot of singing and dancing. Also the traditional competition where the male on one side and the female on the other side, are battling with their lyrics. Of course and unfortunately I could not understand it. People invited me to dance and where very friendly. Nice to experience and just lucky to end up there. I might have been the only foreigner. On the way back I met on the streets with the winner of the festival. I guess she is quit famous here while everybody was shouting here name. I will include some photos.
In between time and now at breakfast I am working on editing the video I shot of the Paleo workshop. Before leaving to a Dubai. There is a lot of footage and need to make selections for just a 2 to 3 minute video. The work have to be done anyway so nod bad to combine it here with some photography and cultural site seeing.
Today's will explore another part of the city. Take a rest at the balcony before deciding where to be and celebrate at the midnight.
It's great to be back in Kathmandu. I visited my Nepali friend Rohit and his family with Christmas. It was so nice to spend the time with them, especially with Christmas. Got sick the day after. Probably because his souther, Rosani, was also vomiting and I was quit close. 2 days on the bed, vomiting and diarrhea. Now 4 days later finally feeling a bit better. Have been bouldering yesterday. There is a very small but nice climbing place with friendly people. The wall is nothing special but what can you aspect in the 3de poorest country in Asia. Met the Nepali Climbing Champion and perhaps helping him out later to build a campus board. Traveling alone can be difficult but at the same time nice meet interesting people. It is a good learning process to travel alone, find my way and seek what I am after.
Yesterday I walked throw town and for the first time with my camera. With a wide circle I went to Durbar Square. An ancient place in the middle of town with very old tradition building with beautiful wood carvings. There I met 2 girls from Spain. In the afternoon we had a nice walk to Swayambhunath temple and had a great sunset from the temple based on the top of a hill looking out over the city. Spanish people I find a lot more expressive then Dutch for instance. I like that and it makes them much more easy going too. Find it difficult myself sometimes being shy but it helps spending time with them.
Some final thoughts on Dubai.
Dubai was amazing. The duality between the enormous high buildings, amazing cars (like ford mustangs everywhere), rich people showing off. And on the other hand local areas like Deira, where people live like in many of the poor places of Asia. I find it a very interesting but sometimes also sad situation to experience. Although the people from Arian, Pakistan, India, Nepal I met where extremely friendly, not after you money, and liked to have an interesting conversation. Especially the people from India I find so manny times very interesting, lectured about many global aspects, history and it is so nice that they are so proud of there country. Only 18 % of the population in Dubai is from origin from the emirates. Men and women ration is 3:1. Anyway enough facts, but interesting place. When I met a Indian business guy at dinner at a local food place, he mentioned proudly; if all the Indians would leave from Dubai, their economy will collapse. It made him even more proud of being Indian. Btw in Deira you can eet for les then 2 euro at local Pakistani food places, and amazing good food. Look for the place where all the locals go so you have more chances on good food and not getting sick.
To anyone reading this. Enjoy New Year and Happy New Year!
Recently I've been to a friend in Poland to co-work on a photography / video project. The project was about shooting models at the location of a sailing club. For me it was the first time I've been working intensify with models. It was even more a very challenging project because I don't spoke any Polish and the models didn't spoke and only understood a little bit of English. A lot of non-verbal communication and giving examples of the pose or total image your are trying accomplish.
It was a great experience and the models were very flexible what helped me to explore my creativity as a photographer but also being able to direct and compose the shots I wanted. Of course I prepared my self before I went there with getting the images in mind and getting ahead in the creative proces of shooting at a sailing club and on sailing boats.
If you like take a look at some images of the project:
Jan invited me to come and take his senior portraits. He is at the point were he is going to finish university and will be ready for the job market.So it is important to show yourself with a photo the way you are. I tried to capture a business wise and personal part of him.